Very very happy to have restored (the joints, mostly) the KO oversized G2(?) Insecticons, insecticons!!! I have already bought 2 KO oversized Bombshell and Shrapnel, which are slightly smaller than these, and are also slightly simplified, simplified (eg. Bombshell shoulders joints are replaced by ball joints, no cockpit for the diaclone drivers, etc, etc..).. But the most important thing is: I finally get a Kickback, kickback!!!! Yeah, yeah!!!! In 1 of the cartoon episode, I remember Kickback uses his powerful legs to kick roll a big log, and in another, I think he kick some TF off a plane, plane (can't really remember, remember...) or something, something... And these figures are in BRIGHT colours, colours!!!!! So G2, G2... hahahaha..... with open-able cockpit covers, covers!!!! Wow, wow...
KO Oversized BomshellHe is the last on my restoration list among the Insecticons... as at that time still can't figure out how to make his lower legs stay in place... Oh, for those friends who bought this, remember to switch the thighs so that the 2 circular shape patterns are facing front, else the lower legs will not log... Absolutely amazing...

KO Oversized Shrapnel2nd to restore, restore... and he is quite good-jointed (tight joints), jointed... except in the legs to hips area, area... and feet, feet... and rifle, rifle... But after restoring, restoring... Solid figure, figure!!!

KO Oversized KickbackYes! Finally gotten a Kickback! And he is OVERSIZE!!!! Hahaha... He is the first to restore, as he has many good joints... Really awesome TF, with a extremely fast transformation!!! The only thing that may make me dislike him just a little is HIS ROBOT FACE IS SEEN RIGHT FROM BELOW IN INSECT MODE!!!! but nevermind, for this TF, I will not attempt to cover his face, like I did to Classics Ramjet or G1 seekers, as I want to keep him as close to the original design as possible... also I remember in 1 of the cartoon episode also show his face in insect mode...

"Insecticons unite!!!! Prepare to munch on the electrons!!!"

In short, I feel this set is more worth to get than the recent reissue, price and size wise... of course the joints need touching up, and face might need some painting, and you might not get any reprolabels (but can DIY though...)... but I still LOVE THESE INSECTICONS!!!! Hahaha... Now looking forward to my haul... KO Build Team, KO Oversized G1 Hardhead... etc etc...