Long time not done any kitbashing liao, last one should be the Headmasters Cerebros(es)... yeap, for the mini and micro versions of my KO Fortress Maximus(es)...
Then, when I bought Henkei Cyclonus, which I tahan for a long time, trying not to be tempted by the Hasbro version but wait for the Henkei one, I thought " I have kitbashed Powermasters, Headmasters... possible to do a Targetmaster???" The new Nightstick was done extremely nice! Henkei Cyclonus becomes one of my all-time favourite Classics/Henkei TF... (actually it is easy to become my favourite TF; just let me transform it a few times and I will grow to like it, hahahaha....)
Then I saw another of my favourite Classics TF, Hot Rod (or by Hasbro's name is called Rodimus... but I shall call him Hot Rod). In G1 cartoon, Hot Rod also later has a Targetmaster partner, and I treat Hot Rod as the nemesis of Cyclonus... so I made up my mind ... And presenting to you:
Firebolt (unpainted)!

The top part of Firebolt is from a KO micromaster (I dunno who is he). The legs are from a KO (Victory Series) Star Saber.
As for the guns, I found the following gold-chromed guns and thought they may be good... Firebolt is a double barrel rifle, so need 2 of the guns... chromed... hmmm.... just nice, since Nightstick is also chromed, this will be a good match to it! Notice the tip of the guns are modified... looks nicer...

So I attached the guns to a swivel joint (that comes from the side of the legs originally), and it works! Guns now aligned with body, making it flatter... Wait, you say this is similar to Nightstick? Yeap, it is, hahaha... And I did not realised it until I almost completed it...

Removed the lower legs to work on...

Next I added:
(i) legs with swivelling feet (initially to cover head, but later used as part of the rifle-mode details)
(ii) shoulder pads and increase the thickness of arms and fists
(iii) chest piece (the round yellowish piece)
(iv) handle (back of body)
(v) Rifle-mode detail on (back of) thighs

Notice his left arm is even thicker now? Yeap, I added the arm armour to make him look beefier...

Firebolt's rifle mode!!!!

Attached perfectly to the Hot Rod's car mode too!!!!!!!!!

Size comparison with Nightstick.... same height!!!!!!! Luckily I beefed up his arms, else his arms look so skinny compared to Nightstick's arms...

Firebolt, the proud owner of a sleek new race car... In almost perfect scale!

Close-up view of the gun... which I added the fore-fins... Looks ok initially, but now I thought the size may be a bit too big.... should I trim them down a bit?.... Next time then see how....

Hot Rod's new partner and weapon, all in one!

Felt the worm's view of Firebolt's rifle mode looks better...

hmmmm.... will find one day to take Cyclonus out to take photo with Hot Rod... with their Targetmasters of course! .... but must also after paint Firebolt lah... black and gold... and gold-chrome scotch tape....