I initially struggle whether to buy this piece or not, as I got the KO Kabaya kit version, but it had a ENTIRELY different bot mode... But as I walk the 2nd round around the area, I was surprised to find the boxes of Bulkheads had reduced from about 3~4 to just 1 piece... So I just pull the last one out and hold it... Tried transforming it and found the wings a bit not able to transform properly... heck lah... Found out that its right hand has a lever that works like this: Straighten the arm and when you pull the black trigger, it flips the arm back to about 90 degrees... Of course there's the usual flying ball mechanism... $19.90 for a voyager is still buyable...
Heavy Load
Hmm... Cannot find this piece at all in OG Albert and tons of Dropshot there... and in OG PPK, its the opposite... weird... anyway, can't resist this Targetmaster wannabe, so picked him up too... not so nice bot mode, body is a bit too long and flat, and the weird front pieces in vehicle mode... and worst, head is visible from worm's view... sigh... voyager...
And I think I should not be getting Blades..... yeap, almost confirmed....
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