Today's update: KO
Kabaya Headmaster - Highbrow! As mention in the last post, I cannot resist the temptation to assemble the Highbrow after finishing Brainstorm... The plastic quality is so good (for a KO
Kabaya kit)!!!! This one is a little little little not so good,
eg. one joining pin was broken, etc... but overall is still SOLID!!
... helicopter mode.... The blades can be moved to locked in 30 degrees from each other, while maintaining the spinning ability... only minor "
hiam" will be they might hit each other, too close... but not enough to bother me,
hahaha.... I put the gun on both sides instead of 1 at the tip as I don't like the guns to be unbalanced...

...lots of good details molded in...
... open the cockpit and you'll see... Gort, the headmaster!!!!! Fits into cockpit perfectly like Brainstorm... something I really appreciate, as it gives a more realistic feeling that the vehicle is manned while travelling...
... Gort descends to make his appearance!!!...
... Gort in molded in opposite of Arcana, in terms of colour contrast. The white also brings out a "clean" molding...
...back of Gort is the face of Highbrow but covered by the top which is a flap... good design... I saw in some website this is not so for some Kabaya Headmaster like Chromedome...
...ready to combine...
.."Head on ! ! ! !".....

...and yes, working tech-meter... Initially I wanted to use the spare piece of tech spec for Highbrow so that they will be equal in specs... but then it will not be differentiating ... so in the end still use back the given sticker.. For his and Brainstorm's spec sticker, I use clear tape to cover it first, for protection, then use the Plastic Glue to glue them to the meter...
...pick up the weapons and ready to fight!!!!....

Sweet sweet piece of KO Kabaya Kit... is the best quality since I bought KO Kabaya kits... so far the best before was Blaster's but his is also a grade lower than this.... anyway, with my reliable Plastic Glue, almost everything can be fixed...