Haul from TaoBao finally arrive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some good, some bad, so mixed feelings...
The BAD ones first (so did not take pictures):
(1) KO Kabaya Skyfire packet is actually Legends Cybertron Starscream! ... sigh...
(2) KO Kabaya Lio Kaiser kits are actually based on the "Double-Dealer-wannabe" version... not too bad, but need to mod...
(3) KO Alternators Silverstreak has no engine-gun... need to make one...OK, the better to good ones....
(1) KO Marvel Crossover Captain America
Surprise! Comes with a DVD!!!! Amazing.... Oh, the show is Fantastic 4 (I) ... Have not open up to fiddle around, so not sure what is the quality... Oh, comes with the shield... " ~ When Captain America throws his mighty shield ~..." ... Looks good...
(2) KO Alternators Silverstreak
Die cast bonnet cover!!! Packages with the styrene paper, and box is good.. but.... door dropped... can fix back...
BUT THE ENGINE-GUN IS NOT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!! sigh....Edit: Hurray!!! I finally found the engine-gun!!!! For those who also bought this piece, you can finf the engine-gun in a nice clear plastic bag INSIDE the backdrop-platform box INSIDE the packaging box... so glad....

3) KO FastlanesCheapo Fastlanes, but looks good!!!!!!! Intend to mod one into
Cloudraker ... "Roger-dodger, Optimus Prime..."..."Roger-dodger, Optimus Prime..." ... sweet... shampoo-bottle plastic...

(4) KO DinogeistYes, its the Triple-changer from Brave series... and its..... the return of the shampoo bottle plastic!!!!!!!! Indestructible... hahaha.... only 1 chromed sword included... and needs some touch up... but if it wasn't for the rarity of the mould, it is not worth the $30 plus paid...

Instructions... difficult to read...
(5) Sky SaverThis is the Sonokong version of the gestalt from the Brave series, Sky Saver. Sweet!!!! Haven't got time to combine, just fiddle the jets, material is similar to the Thunder Baron!

(6) KO Oversize Dinoking / Monstructor
Finally!!!!! This is one of my "MUST-GET" TFs.... so happy to see this suddenly one day in TaoBao, can't believe my eyes... btw, in 30 days, the seller sold 35 pieces!!! Price increase from $108 to $118, then to $128, then to $168!!!! And as I mentioned in another post, one guy bought 19 pieces!!!! Very happy (although shampoo-bottle plastic too...)!!!!
Back of the card...
Close up view... Even got the little dinosaur shells!!!! so cute....

Haul also includes 2 magnets for the waist of my KO Masterpiece Optimus Prime... hope they works...