KO Oversize Robotmasters Optimus Prime
Saw this oversize piece of RM Optimus Prime and after some consideration, bought this last piece hanging on the rack. The box is in very good condition, and so is the TF inside, too good that many joints are too tight, and his right arm ball joint can't go into the socket.... got to do some surgery on him, hahaha... For SGD 7.90, its quite a good buy...
HFTD Highbrow
Bought the remaining items in OG Albert... Hmm... Is it because this seems to be the last piece visible in the pile of Voyager/Leader TFs, so bought it on impulse? I also don't quite know... Anyway, quite like the vehicle mode. Cost SGD 29.90...
Generations - Cybertronian Bumblebee
Well... to be honest, bought this because have to buy 3 pieces for $50... but car mode is cute...
HFTD Ironhide
Well... almost same as the reason as I bought Cybertronian Bumblebee... but wanted to upgrade my KO oversize legends ROTF Ironhide, so chose this...
Generations - Cybertronian Megatron
And this piece is only taken out after I ask the Hasbro guy for any new TF types... He picked out this, a Tomahawk and some pieces that were already up in the racks... sigh, the availability of TF types in OG Albert is simply... might visit TRU soon...
But this is one good design of Megatron, feels so ... Megatron! hahaha....
Still got 2 hauls from Taobao.com/Go Taobao Shopping.... hope they come soon.... hahaha.... KO Ramulus, KO TFA Swoop, KO G1 Seaspray & Powerglide, KO Construction Maximus, KO Oversize ROTF Optimus Prime, (Sonokong) Liner Dagwon; KO Legends Sideswipe & Fallen, KO Beastbox (x2 to form SquawkBox with my 2 KO Squawktalks!!!) & Overkill & Graphy, KO Alternators "Police" Meister (Autorooper???) & Nemesis Sideswipe & Nemesis Optimus Prime, KO Binaltech Tracks and KO PCC Bombshock with Combaticons!!! What a load!!!!
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