Bought from Taobao. Very tiny transformers that is ( I think ) designed to be used with the new Scorponok or titan class transformers city-bots. Though only about 5.5cm - 6 cm, they are not the smallest transformers in my collection ( see WST Jazz in the video ). I like to collect tiny TFs now as my cabinets and display shelves are running out of space. Soundblaster's thigh to hip ball-joints are a bit looser than preferred, but can still hold the position. Very much like to modify a bit the Galvatron, to add the "handle" and make the "foresight" piece (???) able to flip up to show behind the head in robot mode. Maybe next time...
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Saturday, November 28, 2020
NA Newage Toys Scaramanga a.k.a. G1 Transformers Soundwave
Wanted to buy the Pocket Toy version but in the end decided on this. Did not choose the Magic Square version as (1) the back of the microcassette recorder mode looks very incomplete (2) only include 1 (blue) Rumble and 1 vehicle which I don't really like. And because NA version is smaller, the cassette minions look cuter. Quite a nice figure, and the only nitpick is the sub-elbow joint which is also the extender-arm joint gets loose easily after a few transformations.
I don't like the shoulder cannon/rocket launcher to be too far out. So I used a Tamiya pin-socket, trimmed and and (epoxy-)glued it to the shoulder cannon/rocket launcher, painted black, and super-glue as clear coat to protect the black paint from scratched off. Soundwave looks better to me now. Comparison figures are Hot Soldier Soundwave and Oversized KO G1 Soundwave ("... Because it's Precious~~~ !!!!!! ").
Mech Fans Toys MFT MF-49 Emitter a.k.a. G1 Transformers Blaster
If not for the exposed fists/hands at the back in boombox mode, this figure will be a super nice figure... But it is what it is, and I can (barely) overlook this flaw, since it will be most likely to be displayed in robot mode. The robot mode is very solid, and closely resembled the cartoon character. A bit disappointed that there is only 1 cassette Ramhorn, but ok, can still overlook as Blaster is the main reason I bought this. Comparison figures used are KO Kabaya Blaster and G1 Blaster.
Happy Well X-Bot Transform Robotjet GS-11 a.k.a. Bootleg KO Valkyrie VF-1S Transformers G1 Jetfire
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Transformers Kitbash Customised - Green Goblin ( ROTF Deluxe Skidz )
This is an old kitbash customised transformer I did to the movie Revenge of the Fallen ROTF Deluxe Skidz, back in January 2012. I did not like the head sculpt of the ROTF Mudflap and Skidz, which I always thought the design style just doesn't fit into the rest of the robots/TFs in the movie-line... So when I completed the kitbash custom for Mudflap-to-Hellboy, I tried to do the same for Skidz. In the end, I used a KO ROTF Sideswipe head to build into Green Goblin's and added some slashes of pink-purplish to fit more into Green Goblin's colour scheme... Yeap, face paint job is terrrible when look from near, but it will do for me... At least it is better than the original Skidz head, in my opinion... Visit this post "Custom: Marvel Crossover - Green Goblin..." for more pictures of this figure.
Transformers Kitbash Customised - Hellboy ( ROTF Deluxe Tuner Mudflap )
This is an old kitbash customised transformer I did to the movie Revenge of the Fallen ROTF Deluxe Tuner Mudflap, back in 2011. I did not like the head sculpt of the ROTF Mudflap and Skidz, which I always thought the design style just doesn't fit into the rest of the robots/TFs in the movie-line... So when I saw the big arm and red colour of ROTF Mudflap, Hellboy comes into my mind (though is not the correct arm)... Anyway, used a KO Energon Rodimus's head to build into Hellboy's... Visit this post "Simplest Custom Crossover - Hellboy" for more pictures of this figure.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Transformers KO Galaxy Force Starscream Voyager Class Knockoff Bootleg
This is the KO Galaxy Force Starscream which is the Voyager sized one. It is only slightly simplified where the ratcheting joints and Cyber Key function are no longer there. Bought in Taobao at SGD15.66 including shipping. This toy is made of the "shampoo bottle" type of plastic, which is very very flexible but not easy to file and paint. Quality is mixed. Joints are quite tight. Major misalignment when punching in the pin at chest swivel which needed a major op to re-pin it. Pain chipping also evident in a few places. However, overall, this is a good (in my opinion) toy, as I am not against the this type of plastic used here. In fact, I always felt this plastic's characteristic helps increase the durability of the toy. Anyway, very happy to finally own a Galaxy Force Starscream mold.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Transformers Earthrise Snapdragon Voyager Class 变形金刚 地球崛起 地出 狂龙
A nice companion to Apeface... Finally able to have the 2 Decepticons Horrorcons in my collection. In my earlier KO hunting days, I cannot seem to find KOs of these 2 triple-changer Headmasters ( G1 mold ) , so am very happy when Hasbro released Siege Apeface, and subsequently Earthrise Snapdragon. * I use paint pens and markers to touch up the tips of pins that are exposed in robot mode * Did not buy locally as lazy to travel to TRU, and also at that time the TRU I intend to visit is also COVID-visited, but ultimately, it is because the price is cheaper if get from Taobao... cannot remember how much, around $40 I think... Very nice 3 modes in my opinion, though the dragon mode is a bit funny. Minor nitpick is the exposed fists in jet mode...
Sunday, August 30, 2020
New Age Toys NA Toys : Reconnaissance Max a.k.a. Transformer G1 Cosmos
This NA Cosmos is an old product already, but it is indeed a fun transforming figure which resemblance closely to the G1 cartoon version of Cosmos. The only nitpick I have is the fairly-exposed fists in UFO mode, which I can also accept actually...
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Newage NA Seekers Wings Extension Add On 3D Printed Kit
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Jinbao Megatron Updates: Faceplate Restoration Attempt and Display Stand
Tried on the straight face first... Used a permanent marker with a fine tip to draw the at right side first to test... somehow it makes the eye look a bit bigger visually...
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Jinbao D.F05 Destroy Emperor - KO Oversized NewAge Agamemnon ( G1 Transformers Megatron )
Part 1 - Accessories and Comparison with Other Figures
Part 2 - Robot to Gun Mode
Part 3 - Gun To Robot Mode
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Mechanic Studio MS MS-20 Iron Sky a.k.a. G1 Transformers Astrotrain
Robot Mode and Comparison...
Alternate Modes and Comparison...
Newage Toys NA G1 Transformers Decepticons Coneheads Team ( Ramjet Thrust Dirge )
Newage Toys NA G1 Transformers Decepticons Seekers Team ( Starscream Thundercracker Skywarp )
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Newage NA Seekers - Quick Modify to Jet Mode Tail-Fins : Your Toy, Your Choice !

Gerwalk mode!!!

*** In Robot mode...
Magic Square MS-Toys Light of Justice (a.k.a. Transformers G1 Optimus Prime ) w/ Matrix Modification

Looks ok!

OK in truck mode too!

Saturday, May 30, 2020
Transformers G1 Hot Rod ( Walmart Reissue)
Cut out a strip of about 4~5mm tissue paper, and coil it around the handle using superglue, with some testing and trimming, of course...

And compare with Classics Hot Rod...
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Cleaning Up : Transformers Siege Astrotrain

Restoration : Knockoff KO Simplified Oversized Iron Factory IF Ex-13 Blizzard Transformers Blitzwing
Edit: Did some minor restorations eg. uniformed the colours and tightened the joints with hot glue, drill hole on bird's back for bottom-most wing to peg flat, sliced off wing peg to be thinner.... The slightly more major restoration is breaking up the missile into 2, like the original one. Decided to use magnets to join.
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Bootleg Knockoff KO Mini Undersized Transformers G1 Doubledealer
3 Packs... 1 mode per figure???

Close up...

Truck mode...

Bird mode...

Robot mode...

Comparison with Newage NA JAzz and Titans Return Titan Master Apeface...

Video of the KO...
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Knockoff KO Simplified Oversized Iron Factory IF Ex-13 Blizzard ( Transformers Blitzwing )

Sunday, April 5, 2020
Transformers War of Cybertron Trilogy - EARTHRISE STARSCREAM ( Voyager Class )
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Transformers Earthrise ( Leader Class ) Optimus Prime
Friday, January 17, 2020
Transformers Siege - Battle Masters : Firedrive ( with Handle Modifications )