(1) (Legends) Cyberfire Bumblebee
Gotten this together with RTS Starscream and RTS Megatron for $20... Hunt all racks for any other good TFs (Legends) but could not find any, so choose this... btw, gotten the KO Oversized version already...
(2) RTS (Legends) Starscream
Lots of it in the racks... and glad to pick 1 up... very G1-ish... pity null-rays are too plain, but the smirk on his face is hilarious...
(3) RTS (Legends) Megatron
I believe I picked up the last piece on the racks (as I hunt around, I did not recall seeing any other of this.... Bot mode is extremely G1-ish (as this wave is), except for the ORANGE TIP!!!! Will colour with silver paint pen the minute I de-tomb him....
Edit: Yes, detombed and repaint, now he looks (slightly) more frightening, mua-haha...
(4) (Scouts) Sunspot
Oh, also seems to be the last piece... Lucky did not buy this last Sunday... Wonder if he looks good combined with Mindwipe... nah... $13.25
(5) RTS Turbo Tracks
Well, another impulse buy... Probably will try to pick up a Wreck-Gar... this Sunday??... Hmm.... Like the robot & car modes, but the flying mode... the wings... sigh... wonder if possible to position them to look better???.... $19.55
(6) (7) HFTD Starscream (Leader)
My 2nd time buying 2 Leader-class TFs in 1 receipt since the Jetfire/OP 2-pack set... Heard this is used for the Takara's Masterpiece version, not very sure... Hands (claws) and feet are finally resembling to PROPER hands (claws) and feet... Used the coupon to purchase for a buy-1-get-1-free, and a 30% discount, so price per piece is $38.475... Cheap.... even cheaper than the HA TFs they are selling at $39.90... So what to do with the other Starscream?... Hmm... Thought of selling it on the spot, but seems not many people keen on buying... Well, in the end decided to spray my remaining silver-chrome paint on 1 piece... hope it turns out good...
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