Right, 3 KO mods and bashes to intro here today. I think I have not much bashes left, waiting for December to come and I can continue to work on those bought...
(1) Robotmaster StarscreamThe 1st piece I bought
long time ago has the upper & lower arms
super-glued together at the factory... damn... I tried bashing but it is flimsy... and tried as I might, I could not get a decent one to bash again...
Mods/Bashes/Repairs I did:(i) Remove the LED in the cockpit.
(ii) Paint the cockpit orange, and waist silver to match the original
Robotmaster Starscream.
(iii) Make the head able to turn (to avoid seeing the face in jet mode). And the whole neck structure was so badly done, it
literally crumbles many times... And jet mode has a big gap near the cockpit that I have to cover the gaps up with cardboard... ugly ugly...
(iv) Cut the upper & lower arms apart and make swivel joint to
connect the 2 pieces. I did a bad job in that the joints are flimsily done, not much
experience then... Also, by doing so, I have to trim off the wrist area to let the hands fit into the back when transforming to jet mode.
Still, it looks
OK... in bot mode...

Few years later, I saw 1 at a
pasar malam, for $3.50, I just have to grab it and re-bash... and
heng ah, this time it has proper rotatable lower arms.... so what you see below is
actually my 2
nd piece of the KO...
Mods/Bashes/Repairs I did:(i) Transfer the legs of old one over to new body.
(ii) Paint the cockpit to orange, and waist to silver.
(iii) Make head rotatable (this time nicely done =) )
(iv) Printed two chest pieces to cover the 2 round holes in the chest (see pic above)....

Here's a close-up view...

So now head cannot be seen at the bottom in jet mode. On the right is the
Henkei Starscream (non-KO) I used for my own photo-taking....
(2) Indy (Armada minicon - Mirage)This is the piece I acquire in 1 small accessory shop in
Kukup, while I went for a short trip. Man, I have been searching for the Race Team high and low, ever since I complete collected the KO Air Assault Team (Star Saber), but seems can never find them... then found them in the least expected place...
hahaha... in fact, that's how I got some of my
KOs... in places I not dream of... Anyway, this is the
Kabaya-styled version, comes in a
metallised plastic bag, and have to
DIY...FUN! ....

The other 2 members have minor trimmings, but this one has 1 major problem. The spoiler is fixed to the body, the face exposed in racing car mode/
Skyboom Shield mode. So I make a small sliding
face mask to cover the face when needed. Not bad.. It is only recently that I discover the real
deal's way is making the spoiler able to slide to cover the face.... Anyway, my method proves to just fine as well... well, almost...
(3) Energon Optimus Prime
Ok, I know it is aka Fatimus Prime.... but ok lah, not really that bad... like erm.. comparing to those crotch-head dinosaur transforming robots....
So I bought this after some hesitation...as at that time I hated transformers with non-transformable vehicles, especially if they have to be combined to form a super mode... actually now also, but not that bad (see Granbird and Fighbird), but still, I will not buy the Brave (Yuusha) series - Fire Dagwon, cos its gestalt form needs non transforming vehicles...
But this is a Optimus Prime...so I relented in the end... Look at the picture... His right arm seem higher right? Cos this piece is moulded from the Kabaya version, and the arms are non-swivel type, got to plug into the holes at the body. So I bashed it... and have to make a big wheel too, as I found 1 is missing when I open up the box...
Closer view of how I added the swivelling joint, but I did not aligned it properly... and notice the ugly DIY wheel? ... Actually wheel was quite nice till I painted it with poster colour... sigh, if were to paint-pen now, the effect will be different... Anyway, grew to like it...
Did some other minor mods too, like shaving some plastic off the back (or helmet... can't remember....) to flip down the helmet completely in basic bot mode...
More KOs next time.. perhaps I will not be able to show mods for subsequent KOs, just those that I find interesting... till next time!