Silverion members in robot and vehicle mode...Stickers are not applied initially to see how the robot(s) look... Looks good...Though some stickers should do the individual members cosmetic up-leveling...

Ready to combine..."Phase 1!"... wait, sorry, wrong command...

Silverion (un-stickered)... Actually this kind of fits in better with the name's theme: silver... The grey plastic looks more greyish-silver in real than in picture... Maybe Micheal Bay's version of Yuusha's robots (if he decides to shoot one) will look like this... hahahaha....

After putting on the stickers... in the end has to also use super glue to join up some parts securely and tighten some loose joints...

Next is Might Gaine... This little bugger took me the most time... Because of the stupid neck-peg that broke.... damn... Pics of the 3 trains...

Amazingly, the small white train can transform into a robot with no parts-forming! Kudos to Kabaya for this design... The green-grey train does need to pul out the wings and reattach for transformation though, but this is minor... I might have gotten the train-jet configuration wrong but I like it better this way...

... combined to form Might Gaine!!!!! Quite nice little fellow... just that the head-neck...sigh, let's just forget that...