ExKizer with King Loader in vehicle mode... Exkizer seemed a little too small, weird proportion...

ExKizer, disengage!

Super small ExKizer in vehicle mode, closed-up picture to shows the lion-head logo...

After a "perfect transformation" (i.e. no parts-forming), ExKizer is now in robot mode, measuring about 2.9cm from head to toe... extremely tiny... the shoulders can move about due to the ball-joints but with limited range, and a single knee-joint for both legs...

ExKizer and King Loader, ready to combine! (note: King Loader also has a "perfect transformation", but extreme extrmeme care must be taken, else parts will fall...)

Combine to form...

... King ExKizer! ... Articulation-wise, the head can turn 360 degree (theoretically), and a little tilting up and down. Shoulders cannot rotate but the elbows can be bent though, so can make it hold the sword upright. Legs can open up (sideways) for the typical leg-open-big-big "Oppa Japan-robo Style". Feet can move up/down a little due to transformation...

Its actually quite tiring to assemble these small sized kits, so might be retiring for a while before I resume to assemble the other 2 kits... To be honest, I bought this set of 3 kits primarily for this King ExKizer only, as I already have the original-sized KO J-Decker, and I don't really like GaoGaiGar... nevertheless, they are quite good display pieces...