Bootleg / KO Masterpiece MP12 Sideswipe
... or Lambor, if going by the Japanese name... Box came in half-crushed, but toy is intact, and I don't really care for the box condition... Did not imagine that I will ever buy a Masterpiece mold for the Autobot cars, as I always felt the robot mode does not seem "masterpiece" enough to be called a Masterpiece... but the Lamborghini car mode is nice, and the price if bought from Taobao.com including shipping is not too bad, only approximately $30.80... in fact, quite fortunate a few weeks ago I did not buy 1 from CSC which is selling at $45... Lots of plastic sprue not cleanly cut, or damaged parts, but with a little trimming this KO or bootleg should be good... nice... For common problems and solutions of this KO, please google/yahoo/etc for a comprehensive list... This KO also came with a pair of silver chromed chisel-like parts, as used by Sideswipe in 1 of the G1 cartoon episode...

Edit: Add in some pictures of my KO / bootleg MP12, after fixing the issues:
(1) Tighten head cover piece and some trimming to fit head-pieces better
(2) Tighten peg-hole for shoulder cannon
(3) Restore peg on the Flare Gun's handle to its proper shape and thickness in order to secure in the peg-hole of its right palm.
(4) Trim waist parts in order to form upper torso properly (very hard work)
(5) Tighten loose leg joints
(6) Ends of metal rod inserted into the black pieces are painted black colour to hide the shiny "circle"


Edit #2: Add in some pictures of the car mode... nice...

KO (???) Masterpiece MP10U Ultra Magnus
And yes, intend to paint it with Tamiya metallic paint to become... Optimus Prime... hehehe... Couldn't find the KO MP10 OP version anymore in Taobao.com, so have to get a pure-white one to paint... hmm... silver paint is flaking off at the thigh-areas... Quite lousy... But then, it will be easier to remove the paint, hahahaha... Costs approximately $117... Expensive...

Surprisingly, my KO MP10U's right elbow joint is not loose... hmmm...

That hand mold is so... Jackie Chan drunken fists style!!!! HaHAHAHAHAHA....

Reveal-The-Shield RTS Legends Optimus Prime (Loose)
Cuuuuuuute little OP... QC is a little... erm, maybe quite off... But will do, since is a loose version... Costs approximately $5.75 ...

Oppa G1-Real-Grill style!!!... Hahahahahaha....

Proper robot mode... Slimmer now...

And the "new" sword can be held in the hand... or plugged into a hole at the back of his head (actually is for truck mode)...

... and a freebie!!! Yeah!!!!.... hahahahaha...