Bought this KO Universe Grapple (downsize) early this January, and was quite happy to get it, as heard that Hasbro will be releasing Grapple based on the Universe Inferno mold... And this KO maker has already cast it in orange plastics!!! But a pity some parts are in red, and no crane... So make a crane and drill a hole to house the given rifle... not bad, hahaha.... and painted the parts to better, suitable colours...
So, here's Grapple, in vehicle mode...

The extendable crane was gotten from a construction vehicle toy.....

Crane is pegged into the holes on the underside of the fists...

The 2 pegs to go into the fists....

Below is our Grapple-wannabe... before the make-over...

Grapple!!!!!!!!!!!! Prefer to keep the feet orange... don't know why...

Crane is clipped onto the back... black-silver paint chipped off from the clips sticks to the head-support panel too well... nevermind, will not be seen in vehicle mode...
Ready to face and battle KO ROTF Legends Springer (Oversize)...
NOTE: Just want to express that I am not a professional kit-basher, I have no time to do the fine processes nor get the (expensive) pro tools... I prefer to just restore figurines to proper mode... no need for super aesthetically pleasing... so that is why my mods/restorations are quite crude... To me, its just for fun and really, they are just pieces of plastics... so... STAY HAPPY modding your KOs!!!!!!!
I want my TaoBao haul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!