Its about time to touch up & restore this excellent figure to its rightful brilliant status... yes, its KO Sixshot (in Greatshot colour scheme)!!! This should be the same size as original, not oversized as stated in Kotoys, but original size is huge enough, who needs a oversized... So, very pleased to finally own a Sixshot (starting from the KO Kabaya one, then this, and then 1 smaller version, sweet.... )

There are actually 3 parts missing, all 3 are for fixing part in position. 2 are the small pins to lock the 2 whole arm-body-connector pieces in either top or bottom positions in various modes, the other was a male-clip on the canopy tip of jet mode. Also have to tighten loosen joints, remove stickers, re-makeup the face and some paint (remove/repaint)... * Below picture was taken before I painted the knees to have a silverish "windscreen" for car mode... *

close up view... Face is now better after removing the paint... wanted to paint the upper arms red too, but since my red paint is not as bright red, so give up the idea...
In short, most joints are quite tight, very minimal simplification/mould-difference from the original... Let's move on to the other 5 alternate modes, starting with the beast mode (winged tiger???) below. Removed the red paint on the sides of the beast face, now looks normal...
This is where and how I think I will store his 2 rifles in beast mode... BTW, I did not follow 100% instructions for the "standard" alternate modes transformations, just what I feel I like, I'll used it as the alternate mode...
Car mode... yeah, please imagine you can see a silverish "windscreen" at the front of the car... Although I still feel this could be a convertible... the 2 red seats are quite obvious!!!!
Laser gun mode... Big gun... but the trigger has no spring back function... its ok, I don't bother with this type of nitty gritty details... But couldn't find the 2 "extra holes" as told in tfwiki, so don't know how to put the 2 rifles in another way... Anyway, since this is how it appears in cartoon, I will use this configuration...
Jet mode... again, my 2 preferences of configuring the jet mode... Oh, and my preference can change anytime, hahaha.... like the first pic below better, but put the arms more forward... don't quite like the arms to protrude too much out behind...

Tank mode... oops, forget to flip out the canopy...
Very very very very nice piece of KO Sixshot to get... Only "hiam" could be the colours are not in the original Sixshot colours, but at least it is near to its cousin Greatshot... not bad... not bad at all!!!! hahaha....