Tested out if the buffalo and rhino are able to still mount the feet-cannon on their backs... OK!

Next, I wanted to attach the tail and the robot-face-cover to Leo Dux's beast mode, but found out that the tail is overly oversized and cannot attach onto the twin cannons in robot mode via the intended pegs/tabs. Also, Jinbao added 2 extra tabs on the tail pieces for tabbing into the gestalt hand which will allow Feral Rex to hold the weapon's handle, so I have to cut off the extra tabs only on 1 side. This will allow Feral Rex to still hold the weapon's handle (Leo Dux tail) if needed next time...

And realized the 2 sides to cut off are the same side, hahahaha... Then I cut and slowly trim the 2 tabs to fit onto the twin cannons of Leo Dux...

Also manage to find the way to attach the robot-face cover to the tail halves, which allows me to store everything on Leo Dux robot mode...

Then my hands get itchy and I decided to correctly swap back the animal feet of Bovis and Fortis... and broke 1 of the ball joint peg in the process... and injured my palm while trying to remove the broke-off ball peg from the socket... sigh... still, finally manage to repair the peg... Luckily... and also painted Fortis's rhino feet to black... All done!!!!