Also used an old KO Kabaya Brainmaster for Road Caesar to form up the exposed engine... Again, the reliable hot glue is used for joining... Silver paint pen is used, however, the plastic tubes and engine are not taking the paint well due to the nature of the "oily" plastic... Looks pretty good, but I think more can be done...

So, I used some images of the G1 toy on the internet to print out stickers for the robot chest and the car bonnet, since they are different pieces unlike the G1 toy... I stretch the height and width separately, hence you may find the Autobot insignia weird if you look closely, hahahaha... Unnecessary silver parts are covered with car-touch-up-paint and other details painted with silver paint pen, on the head and shoulders of the robot mode... Yeah, the exhaust pipes on the legs look a bit too long... anyway, not intending to trim them anymore, enough of the work...

Now my KO CW Hot Rod has weapons (arm-laser guns) !!! Hahahahaha....

No parts-forming when transforming. Car mode looks quite good too...

The "gun" from the yellow spoiler does not look good, but because of my obsession to have zero parts-forming, it has to be there... sigh... anyway....

Again, the exhaust pipes look a bit too long (sorry for the nagging)...

Loving this!!!!! (ok, no more "hahahahaha".... =) )

And finally a clip to show the transformation...
Can't wait for next weekend to come so that I can do the "face mask" for the KO Oversized Generations Starscream to hide his face in jet mode...