Junkion Blacksmith Headmasters (Soundwave, Soundblaster, Blaster)
And the super tiny and fun JB Headmasters!!!!! And they are "triple-changers" too!!!! Hahahaha.... Cost approximately $21.25 for these 3 figures... They came with some connector pieces that I believe is to attached to some other third party TFs or something... which I don't really bother, as JB Soundwave and JB Blaster are now standing proudly in my Detolf cabinet shelf... hahahaha... Am intending to use JB Soundlaster for my KO Mindwipe but still deciding whether to keep JB Soundblaster's face or use the KO Vorath's...

Robot mode...very tiny, but articulation is good!!!

Back view... JB Blaster comes with an additional connector piece.. or perhaps is the other 2 are missing this piece???

Head mode!!!!

Music player mode!!! Very simple but effective transformation... The big faces can be covered with a movable plate to hide in music player and robot modes....

Bootleg AOE Evasion Optimus Prime
Yeap! It's the bootleg version!!!! Huge box, waste money to ship to Singapore... sigh... Hopefully my Bootleg AOE Leader OP comes in a smaller box than this... Cost about $25.70, and could have been cheaper if it were able to make it in time to be collected last night... I don't think this is over nor under-sized, should be the actual voyager size...

Back of the box... And the pictures of OP is that of the real deal version's... Bio is written in Chinese, hahahaha....

This bootleg/KO comes with the DOTM Megatron's gun, but in blue plastic instead... Plastic is not Hasbro-quality, but still slightly better than the usual KO TFs... Build-quality is quite okay, with reasonably-tight to overly-tight joints, and even slight ratcheting joints at the shoulders for outward swing motion... However, since this is a KO, so there are bound to have some "errors"... Mine have to force-fully and skilfully push in the fake window chests pieces in order to prevent forcing the side pieces to be un-tabbed from the shoulder pieces... After watching some Youtube reviews, I believe this bootleg/KO has the same colour and paint scheme (with some bad painting and paint bleeding, of course), and no simplifications to the parts and transformation... Nice....

Another pose... Hey, where is the gun????

A closer look at the face... No light-piping, but does not matter to me... Does not look as bad as his other KO counterpart of the same KO line (factory)... Still looks quite ok... Though I prefer the face-plate version over this humanoid face version...

Looking from the top, over the shoulders....

A closer look at the foot... Got an ankle joint to move the ankle slightly... Mine had the feet stuck very tightly (and hence the whole shin-transforming piece also tightly stuck) when transforming to robot mode, so had to do a lot of trim-and-trial to eliminate this problem...

Transform to truck mode!!! All parts fit in snugly... nice... but the back wheels do not seem to like to touch the ground, no matter how much I try to tweak the legs...

There is a weird up-side down AOE logo at the side... hmmm... AOE G2?????

The back of truck mode... More determined to do some painting touch up now...

Posing together with my undersized KO AOE First Edition OP (truck mode)!!!!! And the KO First Edition OP's truck mode is still much bigger than this voyager despite being undersized...

... however, the robots are almost equally of the same height... very nice... Looking forward to my bootleg/KO AOE Leader OP...

... "Anyone looking for a gun???"...

... "It's mine now!!!!"... Hahahaha... Will repaint this gun next time...