The huge toy comes in a bubble-cardboard pack...

I took out the missiles that are attached to the front wheels when taking pictures... Indeed, it looks very much like the Batmobile, especially when it is the leader class size... This is the slightly simplified version. In fact, the middle peg-holes on the rear wheels are missing, so the "wings" in jet mode can't tab in securely... The feet is super simplified, similar to the legends class version... The plastics used is typical of the KO TFs, perhaps a little teeny weenie thicker... Joints are generally ok, except for its right knee joints and right "wing" main joint (to the body) has came out... Some parts are also not joined cleanly (i.e. with a visible gap)...

Jet mode... The other simplified version (oversized legends version) is not able to transform into this mode... Will need to make some peg-holes for the rear wheels to peg in the "wings" parts... Nice white-purple colour scheme, so I refer to this as Galvatron rather than Megatron...

Bot mode! But it is very back-heavy, and the weak right knee joint does not help ... still, it can be placed in a standing pose after some leaning forward fiddling... Nice... Visual estimate it to be Leader class size without shrinking nor growing... hahahaha...

Size comparison with G1 Megatron... Nice KO...