My TFG Springer has a weird left ankle that will just not lock the foot to the front, and I thought maybe the part needs some repair. But after prying open the pin and ankle-cover, I realized it is a assembly-line error: a right ankle-cover was used as the left ankle-cover... So I have to cut off the existing male-peg connector and try to glue to the other side, and hope it works...

I used super-glue to glue the part in place and also use some tissue papers mixed inside the glue as reinforcement fillings to fill up any gaps... Once dried and hard, I use a small penknife and needle files to get to shape...

To assemble, I hammer the pin back and test. Nice!!!!! Now the foot can be moved to the front and locked in place!!!

TF Generations Blitzwing - Repair & Shoulder Mod
MyTFG Blitzwing's left leg is very loose, and I realized that it is due to the pin not fully hammered in... So I decided to use a pair of long-nose pliers (with the help of a small nut, small enough to fit into the cavity which houses the pin) and press the pin in. The leg is now tighter, but I am not sure how long it will last, since the tank-transformation requires the pulling of the legs, which might likely to loosen the joint (hopefully not..)...

As with the common batch of Blitzwings sold in the market, mine had the shoulder problems. So I followed 1 of the methods shown in Youtube (a quick search in Youtube will bring you there) and cut out 2 styrene pieces (1 mm thickness, approximately)...

... to be attached to the inner-rears of the body... As usual, I attach them using super glue...

... and test out... Works!!! Though still need to use Peaugh's method to slightly pull both arms out to ensure the arms-piece is in the centre position of the body. My right shoulder is a teeny-weeny looser than the left's, which is again mentioned in the Youtube clip's owner that his is also much worse in that side (something like that)... But hey, if it works, it's good enough!!!!

If left unpainted, only a thin line can be seen. However, I will still like to paint it...

...After painting... Sadly, my violet paint is not as dark as the body colour, and photos taken with flashlight will show it even more... But still, not too bad, and much better than white...

... The left shoulder...

Oh, and I also shaved off a little of the nosecone joint to allow the nosecone to tilt more align to the body, thus allowing the tank's gun-barrel to be more vertical, in robot mode...

... and fiddled with the jet mode, and realized that I actually prefer this configuration of the gun-barrel in jet mode... somehow it covers up the cavity found in between the 2 "arms"... though the barrel looks like it is sticking out a little too much... However, if I stack the sword and gun and put them onto the barrel, the whole jet looks too high...

Anyway, some pictures of the 2 TFG triple changers... Air vehicle mode...

Land vehicle mode.... Wait... the tank is smaller than the amoured car???...

An extra shot to "boast" that for TFG Springer's car mode, the 2 x side green covers can be fitted in seamlessly with the centre green cover, if the centre green cover piece is not pressed down to deeply into the peg-hole (yellow)... Try that out yourself! It looks great without the seams!!!

And finally, the robot modes... These 2 TFs are so well in aesthetic-design, they looked more like those typical 3rd-party TFs than official Hasbro ones... Sweet...