The KO Build Team in their vehicle modes... Plastic quality is actually good for this set of KOs... Joints are relatively tight for almost all... but just like all KOs, there are bound to be some loose joints or mis-use of fasteners, etc... so still need to touch up...

KO Build Team in the robot mode! Looks pretty good... Wedge is the shorter guy, but seems to be the "leader"... Hmmm... and yes, the shades of red is very very obvious for KO Hightower...

The individual robots... First is KO Grimlock... The hands are switched initially, so have to reverse the left-right hands back...

Up next is KO Heavy Load... Still missing a peg to join the 2 halves of the groin area, will do that next time, if I remember... The container bed will get stuck in claw mode even with the spring, as the joints are simply too tight...

Next, KO Hightower... The head linkages are jointed with 2 pins from the sides, and this will prevent the head piece from fitting into the cavity in robot mode, so got to trim off some spaces on the neck area... Maybe should have painted the cabin frames red, but I find the unpainted cabin looks nicer... dilemma...

Lastly, KO Wedge... the "leader"... very small in size...

Combine!!!!! (KO) Landfill!!!!! Japanese version is called "Hurricane Mode", I believe...

KO Landfill with the weapons... It is just a mm or 2 shorter than G1 Ruination, head-to-head comparison, so is considered to be of a decent sized Gestalt TF...