Combaticons, merge to form Deva.. opps, sorry... Bruticus!!!

Gorilla arms. This is what most TF fans may have felt for this line of Combiner Wars gestalts. Indeed the arms are too long, and partly ( I felt ) is because the thighs are not designed to be shorted, hence the long arms. I saw online some tried not to pull out the thighs for the arms, but this might affect the elbow joint... I tried to bend back the hip joint and then swing forward the individual robot's knee joints, to create a shorter arm effect, which looks quite ok from the front. Strangely, Swindle seems to be about 1~2 mm taller than Brawl in limb (leg) mode, hence Bruticus is quite difficult to pose for symmetrical poses. Not sure why but since it does not affect much, I can live with it.

Comparison with the G1 counterpart ( also made by the same company 孩之星 ) Baldigus version... Both looks good!!!!

Do you have a link to the taobao listing? From sg here too
ReplyDeletehttps://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=565157745882. This shop sells by whole set, except for Swindle which is also sold individually other than the set.
Deletedo you have the link for the hands and feet?
ReplyDeleteSee above comment, but it has been abt 2 years...