And here are the 6 members still un-tombed...

And my KO Rampage has the common head-drop-inside-the-box situation... hahahaha... just need to trim a little of the ball socket side and use a bit of superglue to glue the head parts together securely, and then the head can snap quite easily into the neck ball joint...

Lots of weapons and parts that can be assembled (except KO Felisaber's gun)... Assembled sword is shown below... I don't think I will be letting my KO MMC Predaking hold it though... The big gun maybe can...

Couldn't wait till the next day to combine them into their big gestalt, Predaking (a.k.a. Feral Rex)!!!!! Nice... AWESOME KO !!!!!!! Hahahahaha.... Razorclaw's legs have to be fully retracted in this mode as I could not pull them to mid point, and if the legs are fully extended, the whole gestalt legs start to get wobbly... Will need to take them apart to have a look, hopefully can do something about it... This configuration also gives Predaking maximum elbow bend but make the arms look fat...

This configuration gives a better arms aesthetics... Hey, the limbs look like the ones in the episode "Call of the Primitives"... Nice...

Some pictures of KO oversize MMC Predaking, Felisaber and MP Sideswipe (all are KOs)... Humongous...

Overall, this Oversize KO Predaking is quite well-made compared to the KO TFC Hercules that this company (Jin Bao 金宝) released earlier. The plastics used do not feel like the brittle type as it has a little bit of rubbery plastic feel. Paints are adequate and well done for almost most places. Joints are generally tight but some are overly tight (e.g. the gestalt connector ports, gestalt arms' elbow bend joints, some pegs and holes etc) that you might need some needle files, or small penknife, or wood carving tool, or such to make the holes' and/or pegs' edges chamfered. Also, Razorclaw's lion hind legs are a bit loose, need to take out and try to remedy... The individual robot heads are a bit too oversize, and while the gestalt head is oversized (i.e. more than the 1.2 times) too, I kind of like this new gestalt head proportion to the body (I feel the original MMC gestalt head is too small compared to the gestalt body). Yes, I am looking forward to the enhancement pack next year that supposedly will be having "original size" (not sure if is reference to the original MMC size or the supposedly blown-up 1.2 times size) gestalt head, individual rotating fist-hands, gestalt rotating fist-hands, and hopefully many more... And lastly here are the parts that need to repair... coincidentally, they are all the ratcheting joints, 1 at Felisaber's waist, the other at Divebomb's gestalt connector... Once again, AWESOME KO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!