Unscrew the lower legs (feet stay with the legs when swapping) to remove and swap them. Some forums have owners swap starting at different parts of the legs but this is my preference, which should also be simplest...

After the leg swapping, the feet will look normal with the straight side of the feet facing inside.

Next ,the outer part of both wings should be removed and swapped too... Remove the pin in whatever way you can. For me, I had to drill a small hole manually with a small twist drill bit at the top of the joint. With a small screwdriver to reach into the hole, I use the flat ends of the pliers to hammer out the pin slightly. Then I used the pliers to slowly wriggle and pull the pin out... Hard job... But worth it...

To check which side the out part of the wings belongs to, you can see that the wings will be aligned for the correct join... BEFORE I hammer in the pins, I try to remove the missiles which are rivet to the wings...

I swivel the missile to this position, and it will allow the missile to be pushed down a little more, making the other side to reveal the rivet pin which now has a small space to put what ever you want to go underneath and pry out. Alternatively, you can use perhaps a big nail-clipper or nail-removing-pincers to move into the gap and pull out the rivet-pins...

Because the missiles already fit into the holes quite snugly, the rivets are quite redundant... And also now the missiles can be fitted onto the beneath of the wings like G1-Swoop-style...

Now the wings can be folded G1-Swoop-style, with the missiles also fitted similarly. Looking good!!!!!... well, except for the horns... which I WILL cut them off one day...soon...

Dino mode!!!!

Also tighten up some loose joints... Major work will be the loose feet connectors... when free...
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