The individual cabinet 'apartment'... 1st cabinet... Mixture of TFs, Yuusha, and etc...

Opps, not all are TFs, here's my impulse buy of the DX Moya Moya Z-Cune...

2nd cabinet... Top 2 'apartments' are reserved for Optimus Primes...

3rd cabinet...

Last cabinet... Mostly Decepticon gestalts in the top 'apartment' but 3 of the gestalts had to share the next 2 'apartments' with Megatrons/Galvatrons, due to space constraints, hahahaha....

This apartment is mainly for Autobot getalts... with exception of 2 KO Kabaya Headmasters TFs...

This is reserved for my KR Faiz DX Faiz Gear and Case set, hahaha...

Just left some minor add-on (eg. Bootleg G1 Beachcomber), repaints (eg. KO G1 Mindwipe), replace (eg. Bootleg G1 Menasor)...
So where did you find the knockoff Road Fire? That intrigues me.
ReplyDeleteThat was purchased from Taobao.com long ago. Plastic is thin and very loose joints but after fixing looks good for display.