Friday, February 3, 2012

Restoration - KO Cloudraker (Featuring KO Fastlane)

Bought 2 cheapo KO (shampoo-bottle) Fastlanes from TaoBao, with the intention of, you guessed it, modding the other to Cloudraker. After these figures arrived and before my commencement of the "operation", I chanced upon a set of KO Autobot Clones with near-identical colours in TaoBao, and at a relatively low price, and struggled whether to buy or not... In the end, gave up the thought, and focused on reviving this figure with my cheapo version... And it was way way more difficult than expected...

.... Legs are ready... restorer is too tired (or rather, lazy) to take pictures anymore...

... finally, Cloudraker is re-born!...

...transformation to jet mode is exactly the same... leg joints are not very well-aligned, but still, I am glad these legs can swivel... The jet canopy seems a bit too short, but heck, at least it is green (and blue)...

Optimus: "Fastlane! Cloudraker! I want you to search the planet until you find the key!"

Cloudraker: "Roger dodger, Optimus Prime!"
Fastlane: "Roger dodger, Optimus Prime!" ...


  1. It looks like Springer had twins! Man I'm loving digging around your blog...great stuff. I've got a few interesting older G1 KOs (featured on my blog), but nothing like what you have!

  2. Thanks! My G1 KO-llection has been fun, and I felt very fortunate to bump onto many G1-KOs over the past few years... Enjoy ur TFs and collections! =)

  3. where website did you buy them? complete :D

    1. Items come and go there, and this KO is long time ago, so link is also dead link.
