The members of the Guard Diver in vehicle mode... This is a very very old KO set, although it is packed in the bubble, yellowing of the white plastic parts has occurred... robot mode. Material is of the typical "shampoo bottle" plastic (polypropylene???...), i.e. soft, flexible, invulnerable to almost all superglue except for the Selleys Plastic glue and some others perhaps... Painting is not advisable, as the paint will not adhere to this type of plastic surface easily... Restored all ratcheting joints...
The individual members...
Police Diver
Pinted the back windows purple as the stickers come in blue, which doesn't match the front windscreen originally factory-painted purple. Hope the paint doesn't comes off... The small gun can be attached on the top of the car, so no storage problem... The pegs-piece that attaches in gestalt mode comes misassembled, need to reverse it so that it does not slide and move...
Police Diver has weak robot mode, he has NO upper arms, just lower arms pinned to the side of the body! You will have to use your powerful imagination to think the sides as arms... not difficult, but I would prefer at least a simple shoulder-jointed arm... Police Diver forms the lower torso and thighs of the gestalt.
Drill Diver
A long drill vehicle, this KO Drill Diver comes in green, whereas the original is in orange. It came with molded slot holes for attaching jet wings (see Jet Diver jet mode) and I have to cut them off. His gun can be attached on the top of the vehicle..
Robot head is kind of small... and reminds me of Guy Hawk (Lio Kaiser member that forms the arm) head... Major articulations are the shoulders and knees... Drill Diver forms the right leg of the gestalt...
Jet Diver
Nice jet mode... except for the 2 obvious long pieces of landing gears that will transform into his robot arms... but nevermind, use your imagination, use your imagination... The KO makers are either lazy or blur to use the Drill Diver's part (the top piece with siren lights) on Jet Diver. Weird green piece appears and there is a gap seen... His white rifle is plugged into robot's fist below, making him seem to carry his rifle in jet mode similar to the (Macross) Valkyrie style...
Robot head is similar to Drill Diver's too, a bit too small... Jet Diver forms the left leg of the gestalt...
Fire Diver
Still don't understand what the wheels on his ladder are for... the ladder comes in all white, whereas the original has a black back piece. Fire truck looks ok, but the 2 big robot fists are too obvious!!! Not even an attempt to hide them... well, maybe the attaching of the rifles into the fists count???... anyway, it rolls... slightly...
Bot mode looks bulky, but really, is basically a brick with major swivel articulations at the shoulders and elbows... Fire Diver forms the upper torso and arms of the gestalt...
Now to the main feature of this figures, the combined mode....
Guard Diver
A tall gestalt, measuring 23cm from tip of head to feet. Guard Diver towers over Menasor and the other smaller G1 transformers gestalts... The members attached quite tightly, except for the gestalt's mid body (joints where Fire Diver and Police Diver attach) due to the flimsy flexible nature of the plastic material... Took a long time to rectify and till now, it still is not 100% secure, but will do... He does not have a well-sculpted, V-shaped body, but the broad shoulders make him look beefy... The only glaring flaw will be Fire Diver's fists appear again!!!!!!
Fire Diver's 2 rifles can be attached to his (Fire Diver) fists, and the other 3 members will combine their own weapons to form a slightly bigger rifle for Guard Diver to wield... Guard Diver can split open his legs and move his elbows as main articulation...
Overall, love this figure... hahaha...
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