Bought a "Fuitty-Tutty" KO G1 Mirage in September last year, so happy... except the weird colours get too uncomfortable, day by day... so decided to repaint it to near to original colours...
So after painting... still needs something... yes, stickers... Oh, please look with eyes half-closed... Painting is horrible, as usual, I know...
Used some Mirage pictures from the internet and edited using MS Word, and printed out the stickers ... Looks good after sticker-ing!...
Stupid blue paint still not fully dried after 4 days... Nevermind, I can wait... hahaha...
KO (Slightly) Oversize Alternators Rodimus
A very nice piece, can't really understand why I don't quite like it in when I bought it... Joints are relatively tight, and is slightly oversized than the original figure (seen somewhere in the internet, can't remember which though...) Some simplifications in the removal of visor, back of robot (car roof) is molded as 1 piece, back of car (with license plate) is to be removed when transforming into robot mode, missing the original gun... not sure if there is any more, since I don't have the original...
Car mode... looks good...
Back of the car... Since it will be very troublesome to make the linkages to connect the back pieces to the robot legs, I decided to make the back of car to become a rifle...
...Rifle barrel and handle can be swiveled out...
Also make the back piece to be foldable into 2 pieces, not very good as there are still protruding parts to prevent the end piece to collapse fully down... anyway, too lazy to redo...
Now Alternators Rodimus has a big rifle to wield...
What to restore next? Hmmm... Should be making sliding fists for my WST Slag... I think...
Edit: Nope, have not began on WST Slag, because have been busy repairing my KO Galaxy Convoy (aka KO Cybertron Optimus Prime), sigh... wanted to just repair the loose legs, then 1 old "wing" joint broke again.. and when I tried to repair it, it crumbles... yes, literally crumbles.. very weak plastic.. in fact, 1 breakage came after another while I was repairing... even till now there is still the 2nd wing joint that broke as I was attempting to put in OP's "backpack" for his super mode... sigh..may do tomorrow, too tired...
Anyway, saw on some TF website there are already KOs of RTS Legends Trailbreaker and Generations Deluxe Warpath, but I just couldn't find in TaoBao... sigh... well, never-mind, see if got any luck to find some legit ones in CSC on Sunday... if going, that is...
Hey man, I'm a great fan of your work, congratulations and keep em coming. I too am a transforming robot toy enthusiast, but recently I've been focused on Brave/Yuusha figures (please check out my website, braveDX, if you have time).
ReplyDeleteI came across this Great Gaan Baan KO at, and I was wondering if you would be interested in reviewing it in your website. Your fans and other Brave/Yuusha enthusiasts like me would surely appreciate it.
Hi! Thanks for viewing my blog, mine mods/bashes are crude,compared to others I've seen. Yeap, been to your Brave blog already, very nice Brave figures collection you've got there! =) I remember my first Brave figure was a set of mini Choryujin and Gekiryujin... As for the KO you mentioned, sorry, I haven't gotten this set and likely not getting it, apologies. Enjoy collecting and best wishes!
ReplyDeleteOkay, no worries man, thanks. I'm looking forward to your next hauls and mods. :)