I believe there are a lot of reviews (here is a good one ...) for this KO Masterpiece OP, so won't go into 1 (well, I also don't recall having done a decent review before, hahaha...)
Just some nagging... I remember there is an earlier version which more silver-chrome including the faceplate. The one I have here is the later version, with silver faceplate... I did change the smokestacks to longer ones, and tried to use the magnets to strengthen the waist joint, but not very good result... Oh, the auto-open air vents on his shins do work (when you press OP down on his feet)... But the ratcheting joint for his right leg was too tight, I had to repair the broken ratcheting ring and use a softer spring... a bit loose, but better than to keep repairing...
Vehicle mode... Gaps are evident, the most obvious being the front cabin (robot chest) cannot close properly...
Robot mode... painted the rifle with black metallic paint-pen.... not very good, due to the unevenness of paint effect of paint pen over large areas..
Surprisingly, this fella is quite posable... I thought it will be very unstable, but then realised it is still ok.... not that unstable...
Lastly, to clarify :
(1) I am a "he"...
(2) I used to go "out of the way to find and collect KO(s)" in the past, when I am absolutely crazy with KOs, but too lazy now to do (hahaha...)...
(3) I preface (title) "Side-tracked" in my posts whenever I buy ANY TFs (or such), NOT only when I bought "official/genuine" pieces... and finally...
(4) Yes, I am (and/or this blog is) meant to be hilarious and funny, and fun!!!!!! I am hilarious, so are you 1 (you know who, =) ) Hahahahaha 2 !!!!.... I like KOs (of TFs) , enjoy yours too!!!! ... Hahaha!!!!
1 - reference title by a S'pore guy who has this program/course called "I Am Gifted, So Are You"... Is it (the program) "hilarious"?? You decide... hahahaha....
2 - sorry, got into this crazy mode after seeing the post in the forum which you wrote, couldn't help laughing out loud... it's coming back... hahahaha....
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