Monday, May 31, 2010
Side-Tracked: Recent Haul of TFs (54) - ROTF Jolt, ROTF Tuner Mudflap, ROTF Brawn
Victim of GSS again, an annual event (I meant my case as a victim...) Went to OG Albert to hunt for Stratosphere, but couldn't find... and couldn't find any good deluxe TFs, all drowned in a sea of yellow, you know what I mean... Went to CSC, and no good finds too... Went over to OG PP, and bought the above... 3 Deluxe TFs for $50... and to only realise just now that Metro is selling individually at $16.90; a teeny weeny bit more expensive, but I can buy in any numbers, not limited to only multiples of 3!!!!! sigh...

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Side-Tracked: Recent Haul of TF (53) - ROTF Fallen (Voyager)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Side-Tracked: Recent Haul (52) - Bandai VF-25G 1/72 Messiah Valkyrie Michael Custom, Get Ride! AmdriverGears (Misc)
Bought these today at Expo, at the Toy Carnival & John Little Expo Sale...
Bandai VF-25G 1/72 Messiah Valkyrie Michael Custom
A Gundam-style snap-assembly kit, read from the websites that it is fully transformable with minimum removal of parts, just the fists, and a few small parts... which I think I can mod a bit... sigh, should have bought a second set, haha... but not cheap, cost $55... think the black one even more expensive... nevermind, shall "splurge" more tomorrow... hopefully... Anyway, this looks damn solid...

Get Ride! AmdriverGears (Misc)
Also bought 2 comics (bottom of picture below) at the comics booth, expensive, cost $20 and $25... and gotten some AmdriverGears (right of picture below) as spare parts at the John Little Expo Sale, at $1 each...
Bandai VF-25G 1/72 Messiah Valkyrie Michael Custom
A Gundam-style snap-assembly kit, read from the websites that it is fully transformable with minimum removal of parts, just the fists, and a few small parts... which I think I can mod a bit... sigh, should have bought a second set, haha... but not cheap, cost $55... think the black one even more expensive... nevermind, shall "splurge" more tomorrow... hopefully... Anyway, this looks damn solid...
Get Ride! AmdriverGears (Misc)
Also bought 2 comics (bottom of picture below) at the comics booth, expensive, cost $20 and $25... and gotten some AmdriverGears (right of picture below) as spare parts at the John Little Expo Sale, at $1 each...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Mods - KO Plasma Punch Bumblebee, KO Double Blade Optimus Prime
This piece was bought last year, a 2-piece pack, KO version, hahaha..... not very sure if they are oversized or not... anyway, then thought of modding Bumblebee to a figure more appropriate to its name - Plasma PUNCH... that is the major mod... other small touch up are the joints, face colour... and for Optimus Prime, just simple painting of the blades to orange... but it is not this way, for Prime...

KO FAB Plasma Punch Bumblebee
Right, strictly speaking, this should be the ROTF Pulse Blast Bumblebee... but I like the name Plasma Punch better, so still stick to the TFTM name... anyway, proceeded to work on the "punch"... But first, car mode... still retains the TFTM Legends Bumblebee - 2 bulges at the sides of the car...

Transformed into bot mode... spot the difference...
... yeap! The Plasma Punch-ing FIST!!!!! Fiery red to emphasize on the "RED" plasma... ok, seriously, I cut off a section of the original missile, used a spare fist to join onto it, and painted the fist orange... but the orange is too light compared to the cannon, so used a red colour marker & painted it, hence the red fist... To "punch", simply turn the cannon, like the legit version... Sweet!!!!!!!!!
"and feel the wrath of my Pulse Blast next!!!!"
KO FAB Double Blade Optimus Prime
Another nice piece... painted the smokestack silver, as I felt the smokestacks SHOULD be silver, especially for this size...
... as I was saying earlier, thought only need to do some minor touch up... Just a day before modding, felt something can be done to better the arms (see 1st picture in post)... the arms comes with a BIG BLUE PIECE after transformation, and while each piece is at the inner sides of the arms, they simply block the view of the inner part of the arms... in short, UGLY...
Yeap, removed the blue pieces and attach to the connector for flipping to the back of the legs... Need to remove the square slot piece on the blue piece, and then shave off some of the inner parts to accommodate the arms protruding parts in vehicle mode... Wanted to even add hinges to allow the blue pieces to be folded down, but in the end, too lazy... anyway, the blue piece i also in-line with the "back-pack"...
Normal bot mode...
Flip out the ion blaster, and the missile works!!!! (yeap, painted the missile silver too)...
...for a more movie accurate mode, flip out the 2 spring-loaded blades!!!! Now the whole arm can be seen and not blocked by blue pieces, sweetness... oh, in case you wonder why I did not cover the inner of the arms-fist place, I deliberately leave them to have the "Mech-alive" style (as in seeing the inside mechanism)...
KO FAB Plasma Punch Bumblebee
Right, strictly speaking, this should be the ROTF Pulse Blast Bumblebee... but I like the name Plasma Punch better, so still stick to the TFTM name... anyway, proceeded to work on the "punch"... But first, car mode... still retains the TFTM Legends Bumblebee - 2 bulges at the sides of the car...
Transformed into bot mode... spot the difference...
... yeap! The Plasma Punch-ing FIST!!!!! Fiery red to emphasize on the "RED" plasma... ok, seriously, I cut off a section of the original missile, used a spare fist to join onto it, and painted the fist orange... but the orange is too light compared to the cannon, so used a red colour marker & painted it, hence the red fist... To "punch", simply turn the cannon, like the legit version... Sweet!!!!!!!!!
"and feel the wrath of my Pulse Blast next!!!!"
KO FAB Double Blade Optimus Prime
Another nice piece... painted the smokestack silver, as I felt the smokestacks SHOULD be silver, especially for this size...
... as I was saying earlier, thought only need to do some minor touch up... Just a day before modding, felt something can be done to better the arms (see 1st picture in post)... the arms comes with a BIG BLUE PIECE after transformation, and while each piece is at the inner sides of the arms, they simply block the view of the inner part of the arms... in short, UGLY...
So, decided to do more... spot the difference again...
Yeap, removed the blue pieces and attach to the connector for flipping to the back of the legs... Need to remove the square slot piece on the blue piece, and then shave off some of the inner parts to accommodate the arms protruding parts in vehicle mode... Wanted to even add hinges to allow the blue pieces to be folded down, but in the end, too lazy... anyway, the blue piece i also in-line with the "back-pack"...
Normal bot mode...
Flip out the ion blaster, and the missile works!!!! (yeap, painted the missile silver too)...
...for a more movie accurate mode, flip out the 2 spring-loaded blades!!!! Now the whole arm can be seen and not blocked by blue pieces, sweetness... oh, in case you wonder why I did not cover the inner of the arms-fist place, I deliberately leave them to have the "Mech-alive" style (as in seeing the inside mechanism)...
Till next time...
Side-Tracked: Recent Haul of KOs (51) - Oversized ROTF Legends Bumblebee, Undersized TFA Grimlock
My haul today:
KO Oversized ROTF Legends Bumblebee
This little figure is lying around the kiosk for a few weeks... did not pick him up as earlier felt that I already have quite some Bumblebees... but in the end relented... quite a nice piece of KO, joints are tight, only a small crack on 1 of the side mirror... thighs are yellow though... oh, yes, this is blown to around Scouts-size...

KO Undersized TFA Grimlock
Opened up and have to swap the robot arms / dino legs... Leg joints are loose, fists' thumbs are too... overall is nice...
KO Oversized ROTF Legends Bumblebee
This little figure is lying around the kiosk for a few weeks... did not pick him up as earlier felt that I already have quite some Bumblebees... but in the end relented... quite a nice piece of KO, joints are tight, only a small crack on 1 of the side mirror... thighs are yellow though... oh, yes, this is blown to around Scouts-size...
KO Undersized TFA Grimlock
Saw this piece at the kiosk and initially did not want this piece as already have the Henkei version and the remoulded G2 version... Well, in the end... This is the voyager piece, but downsized to deluxe-size. The sword is just a simple 2-piece moulds screwed together, without the "flame-out" gimmick... Read from some reviews that this reduced sized sword is still able to fit into the hand of the legit normal size one... no more clear plastics here, so chest is plain compared to the legit one... but personally feels it looks nicer...
Opened up and have to swap the robot arms / dino legs... Leg joints are loose, fists' thumbs are too... overall is nice...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Side-Tracked: Recent Haul of KOs (50) - Assorted Oversized, Minis, and Weird Combi...
Bought these at Bedok Central, the stall where I got the simplified KO Legends Scrapper (see post Side-Tracked: Recent Haul of TFs (47) - ROTF BusterPrime Jetfire Pack, G1 Megatron, ROTF Sideways, KO Mini Inch Up & Starscream & Quickstrike for directions to get to that stall) ... All for SGD2.50 each, quite worth it...
KO Oversized Movie Blackout/ROTF Grindor/Spinister (???)
Whoa!!! Happy when I saw this figure stapled on the cardboard with other KO TFs, have always wanted to get a legends Movie Blackout / ROTF Grindor but never able to find it nowadays at shops, except sometimes in a 2-pack (which I don't want to spend for the other Legends figure...) ... also never received the replacement gift Mike offered to throw in since my 1st order from KOToys... so very happy to get one... especially an oversized one, hahaha.... No visible change in transformations, minor face changes, and slight changes to parts, eg. 6 blades down to 4, to accommodate the oversize (cost-saving??? copyright avoidance? No logic...)... hmm... should i repaint him into Spinister?????

KO Oversized ROTF Legends Optimus Prime (Simplified)
Yeah... sigh... yes, simplified, MISSING THE FOLD DOWN LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silly KO-maker... Anyway, can make the legs with styrene sheet, should be no problem... Due to the simplified legs, the KO-maker swaps the 2 legs (attached to the ball-joints on the hips), got to switch back... Colour scheme is according to G1 cartoon theme, hahaha... and OP seems to be eating well, face is fatter... Oh, final note, this has a non-face-plate head!!!

KO Mini ROTF Plasma Punch Bumblebee
This little piece is so cute I cannot resist buying (which I initially did not want to buy)... Transforms fine, neat little car, except need to trim up, tighten some joints, and touch up paint... Fisted-arm is missing 1 swivel joint to make the lower arm rotatable... Knee joints could be lost too, did not really check... No missile as no firing mechanism....

Picture below shows comparison of both KOs... a bit misleading, the mini one should be smaller than it looks, compared to the original size one...

KO Mini Classics Hound (w/ Universe Legends Beachcomber Transformation)
Man, this is weird.... This is WEIRD... the KO-maker used Classics Hound for the body parts (especially the front), but the transformation is done using universe Legends Beachcomber's!!!!! This is.... is... not too bad... Just need some repainting.... Tracker Hound???? Combi Hound??? hmmmmm.... Maybe just Tracker... hahaha....

KO Oversized Movie Blackout/ROTF Grindor/Spinister (???)
Whoa!!! Happy when I saw this figure stapled on the cardboard with other KO TFs, have always wanted to get a legends Movie Blackout / ROTF Grindor but never able to find it nowadays at shops, except sometimes in a 2-pack (which I don't want to spend for the other Legends figure...) ... also never received the replacement gift Mike offered to throw in since my 1st order from KOToys... so very happy to get one... especially an oversized one, hahaha.... No visible change in transformations, minor face changes, and slight changes to parts, eg. 6 blades down to 4, to accommodate the oversize (cost-saving??? copyright avoidance? No logic...)... hmm... should i repaint him into Spinister?????
KO Oversized ROTF Legends Optimus Prime (Simplified)
Yeah... sigh... yes, simplified, MISSING THE FOLD DOWN LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silly KO-maker... Anyway, can make the legs with styrene sheet, should be no problem... Due to the simplified legs, the KO-maker swaps the 2 legs (attached to the ball-joints on the hips), got to switch back... Colour scheme is according to G1 cartoon theme, hahaha... and OP seems to be eating well, face is fatter... Oh, final note, this has a non-face-plate head!!!
KO Mini ROTF Plasma Punch Bumblebee
This little piece is so cute I cannot resist buying (which I initially did not want to buy)... Transforms fine, neat little car, except need to trim up, tighten some joints, and touch up paint... Fisted-arm is missing 1 swivel joint to make the lower arm rotatable... Knee joints could be lost too, did not really check... No missile as no firing mechanism....
Picture below shows comparison of both KOs... a bit misleading, the mini one should be smaller than it looks, compared to the original size one...
KO Mini Classics Hound (w/ Universe Legends Beachcomber Transformation)
Man, this is weird.... This is WEIRD... the KO-maker used Classics Hound for the body parts (especially the front), but the transformation is done using universe Legends Beachcomber's!!!!! This is.... is... not too bad... Just need some repainting.... Tracker Hound???? Combi Hound??? hmmmmm.... Maybe just Tracker... hahaha....
Friday, May 21, 2010
(Non-100% True) Review of KO Oversized G1 Soundwave
Got my KO Oversized G1 Soundwave (with Laserbeak and Ravage)last year, in a stall in CSC, non-toy section... did not even attempt to bargain when the owner says $15... cos like it so much, was struggling whether to buy the legit one earlier... of course, later saw it again, but cheaper, in a neighbourhood shop selling kids' clothes, stuff...
This piece of KO is almost identical with the legit one, probably only without die-cast metal part and size is bigger... even the colours and stickers are almost the same... Size comparison below with my legit G1 eHobby Megatron and G1 Optimus Prime... Oh, hi Laserbeak! Laserbeak is looking great with his silver-chromed laser guns!!!!

So here's Soundwave... His shoulder missiles seems a bit different from the legit one... Knee stickers are enlarged too big... chest window is too clear... other than that, no change!
Posability is typical G1... arm, elbow have swivel joints... knee joints are opposite to what human knees can bend... Legs are not very stable, due to the way it is transformed.. and the feet are not really tight enough to prevent rough handling... but silver-chromed parts!!!! That's incredible!!!
Close up view of the head mold... visible difference will be the lack of details on his "horns"... wow, *red eyes, closer to the cartoon version and much better than the legit one!!!
... and the *shoulder missiles can even be extended!!!! (though I prefer to keep it compact, looks nicer)...
Transform into the micro-cassette recorder mode... the shoulder missiles and hand gun can become the batteries!!!! Like legit!!!!! Only problem is where to keep the chrome part... Fake On-Off slide switch and Volume Control knob are still intact and movable!!! Foiled stickers look so good...
... "batteries" can be put inside the back battery compartment!!!! *Fits in nicely!!!
*"Batteries" are now inside the compartment, sweet...
It can also hold the oversized Laserbeak when transformed into a cassette... Laserbeak has foiled stickers too!!! Another good point is that the cassette door mechanism is still there!!! Pressing the silver-chromed button near the shoulders releases the cassette door!!!!
"Mission received. Operation: Detection..."
"Laserbeak, eject!"
Laserbeak can rest well (on Soundwave's shoulder) after his mission...
... or even on Soundwave's arm...
This piece of KO is almost identical with the legit one, probably only without die-cast metal part and size is bigger... even the colours and stickers are almost the same... Size comparison below with my legit G1 eHobby Megatron and G1 Optimus Prime... Oh, hi Laserbeak! Laserbeak is looking great with his silver-chromed laser guns!!!!
So here's Soundwave... His shoulder missiles seems a bit different from the legit one... Knee stickers are enlarged too big... chest window is too clear... other than that, no change!
Posability is typical G1... arm, elbow have swivel joints... knee joints are opposite to what human knees can bend... Legs are not very stable, due to the way it is transformed.. and the feet are not really tight enough to prevent rough handling... but silver-chromed parts!!!! That's incredible!!!
Close up view of the head mold... visible difference will be the lack of details on his "horns"... wow, *red eyes, closer to the cartoon version and much better than the legit one!!!
... and the *shoulder missiles can even be extended!!!! (though I prefer to keep it compact, looks nicer)...
Transform into the micro-cassette recorder mode... the shoulder missiles and hand gun can become the batteries!!!! Like legit!!!!! Only problem is where to keep the chrome part... Fake On-Off slide switch and Volume Control knob are still intact and movable!!! Foiled stickers look so good...
... "batteries" can be put inside the back battery compartment!!!! *Fits in nicely!!!
*"Batteries" are now inside the compartment, sweet...
It can also hold the oversized Laserbeak when transformed into a cassette... Laserbeak has foiled stickers too!!! Another good point is that the cassette door mechanism is still there!!! Pressing the silver-chromed button near the shoulders releases the cassette door!!!!
"Mission received. Operation: Detection..."
"Laserbeak, eject!"
Laserbeak can rest well (on Soundwave's shoulder) after his mission...
... or even on Soundwave's arm...
* Ok, I write this review (???) as a joke. I did some repair work for this KO Oversized G1 Soundwave before posting this post, hahaha... sorry if make you confused.. the parts with repairs I did have an asterisk * before them, eg. the shoulder missiles, which I cut off a section for both the inner and outer part before gluing back and ensuring it will not be pulled off, so that it can be fitted inside the battery compartment... and repaint the face.... too bad couldn't polish the face plastic to shine... anyway, its a must-get KO, especially if you don't have a G1 Soundwave...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Comparison - Optimus Primes : Movie v.s. ROTF
Just hands itchy and want to vent my disappointment today... Went to CSC, Carrefour, TRU(Suntec), Simply Toys (Suntec), and no haul... yes... CSC can understand... usually only 1 stall got good deals, so if that doesn't have, then no haul is acceptable... But, the plights of TFs at Carrefour and TRU(Suntec) there are simply PATHETIC... Only 1 SMALL corner at each place with limited amount & choices of TFs... and the small posters looks like Hasbro distributed, as both places looks same (even OG also seems to be using the same)... sigh... Now come to think of it, OG PP seems to be better...
Anyway, compared my KO Movie OP (simplified and modded) with ROTF (Buster) OP... Excuse the light blue on the Movie OP, its really lighter blue than ROTF OP's, not entirely camera fault... I believe the KO Movie OP is not re-sized... so ROTF OP is about 1/2 head taller than Movie OP... with more weapons... but with uglier arms, hahaha...

Will take pictures of the vehicle mode next time...
And now more determined to paint my KO Movie OP with silver paint for the gray areas, hopefully can make it look nicer... and also touch up on the windscreen...
Anyway, compared my KO Movie OP (simplified and modded) with ROTF (Buster) OP... Excuse the light blue on the Movie OP, its really lighter blue than ROTF OP's, not entirely camera fault... I believe the KO Movie OP is not re-sized... so ROTF OP is about 1/2 head taller than Movie OP... with more weapons... but with uglier arms, hahaha...
Will take pictures of the vehicle mode next time...
And now more determined to paint my KO Movie OP with silver paint for the gray areas, hopefully can make it look nicer... and also touch up on the windscreen...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Side-Tracked: Recent Haul of TFs (49) - ROTF Megatron & Mindwipe (Voyagers)
Went to OG PP today, after learning that there are sales on ROTFs... 1 big pile of Voyagers at $29.90 each, but not much choice, only have Bludgeon, Defender OP, Mixmaster, Megatron, XXXXX Ratchet, that's about all... Did not have Stratosphere... Of course got others like HA series ($39.90 each) for Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Mudflap (or Skids? not sure which one, but think got the Agent Simmons & blue motorbike one)... And deluxe got to buy 3 then have the $50 offer... Will go TRU to have a look next Monday, see if got better deals... Or CSC this Sunday??? ...
Anyway, was deciding to get Defender OP or Megatron... decided on the latter as I think I have too much ROTF OPs already (lemme count : EZ version, Buster, Double Blade... & none on Movie 1 or 2 Megatron) ...
ROTF Megatron (Voyager)
Will try to see if can form a better looking jet mode... saw some website say can use hands fold out, but not know if nice or not...) $29.90 is not the cheapest sale, OG was selling $19.90 last time...

Finally fiddle with ROTF Megatron... and tried to find a more suitable jet mode for him... can't get any good pose, in the end, felt this is the best transformation... good thing about this is you can try and see which transformation you like most... Opps, forget to try if can keep in the front caterpillar treads... Next time then try...

ROTF Mindwipe
Heh, i believe I had dug out 1 of the RARE pieces in the pile of TFs, got lots of Defender OPs and others, but I only saw (honestly I did not dig very very deep in, as already found this piece and the pile isn't very stable)... And then just now came across a website that shows how it can be transformed into a bat (some homage to G1 version, hahahahahaha.... ), like Animated Lugnut into a scorpion mode... this is sweet... and hilarious...

Post pics of Mindwipe's bat mode!!! Prepare to be hypnotized...

I like this pose, its hilarious!! And yes, Mindwipe really can hang upside down!!! Amazing!!! Looks really like a bat...

Anyway, was deciding to get Defender OP or Megatron... decided on the latter as I think I have too much ROTF OPs already (lemme count : EZ version, Buster, Double Blade... & none on Movie 1 or 2 Megatron) ...
ROTF Megatron (Voyager)
Will try to see if can form a better looking jet mode... saw some website say can use hands fold out, but not know if nice or not...) $29.90 is not the cheapest sale, OG was selling $19.90 last time...
Finally fiddle with ROTF Megatron... and tried to find a more suitable jet mode for him... can't get any good pose, in the end, felt this is the best transformation... good thing about this is you can try and see which transformation you like most... Opps, forget to try if can keep in the front caterpillar treads... Next time then try...
ROTF Mindwipe
Heh, i believe I had dug out 1 of the RARE pieces in the pile of TFs, got lots of Defender OPs and others, but I only saw (honestly I did not dig very very deep in, as already found this piece and the pile isn't very stable)... And then just now came across a website that shows how it can be transformed into a bat (some homage to G1 version, hahahahahaha.... ), like Animated Lugnut into a scorpion mode... this is sweet... and hilarious...
Post pics of Mindwipe's bat mode!!! Prepare to be hypnotized...
I like this pose, its hilarious!! And yes, Mindwipe really can hang upside down!!! Amazing!!! Looks really like a bat...
CSC / TRU, I will come to you...
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